We finished 2021 in good stead thanks to all who were so generous in so many ways this past year.

We wanted to let everyone know that all of our obligations were paid in full, including our apportionments.

We were able to provide the budgeted funds for various mission and outreach projects through the 2021 year. We were and are blessed with our church family.

As chairman of the Finance Committee, I want to sincerely thank all of the committee members for their hard work and tremendous dedication this past year. Their tireless efforts made last year run smoothly and efficiently.

I also would like to thank all those who helped create, organize, run, cook, bake, set up, clean up, and do so many other jobs, AND especially thank those of you who bought whatever we were selling to support our 2021 fundraising efforts!

I feel it is important that I let you know a lot of our fund raiser supplies were donated by our congregation so that we achieved 100% profit from many of the fund raisers. What a great gift! Thank you everyone!

Mary Rolfe, Finance Chair