The Witness Ministry gives attention to developing and strengthening evangelistic efforts of sharing of personal and congregational stories of Christian experience, faith, and service; communication; Lay Speaking Ministries, and other means that give expressions of witness for Jesus Christ.

Faith development and sharing are encouraged in daily religion classes, school wide liturgies and prayer services, and retreat opportunities.

Throughout the year, faith development and sharing opportunities take place through Adult Sunday School classesbible studies, conferences, seminars and visiting speakers. Educational opportunities are provided for those couples preparing for the sacrament of Marriage through Marriage Preparation programs and reflective tools. Baptism preparation is also provided for those parents presenting their children for this sacrament.

When your child reaches 7th or 8th grade, he/she may join the Confirmation class. Through confirmation, the church renews its commitment to the Christian growth and discipleship of your child. He/she will have an opportunity to personally commit to their journey of faith and take on for themselves the vows that their parents took at baptism.

Learn more about confirmation.

Confirmation Mentors serve as a special resource to young people as they explore their faith. In order to be a faith mentor, you will oversee the process of confirmation. You are to be a full participant in all of the activities. Our confirmation process is designed with the philosophy that we grow as Christians by working together, a younger Christian looking over the shoulder of an older, more experienced Christian. We are counting on you to make certain that this will be an important growth experience for one of our young Christians. We believe that this will be an important experience for you. One way to grow in your faith is to help others to grow.

The 2012 General Conference of the United Methodist Church adopted several resolutions that formally changed the name of this lay ministry to Lay Servant Ministries from the previous Lay Speaking Ministries. Lay servant ministry remains a United Methodist system for lay leadership development. The basic and advanced courses are designed to help persons develop their skills in leadership, communication, and care-giving. Participating in this training as it is offered helps you build relationships with other lay leaders. In this way you increase opportunity for yourself and for your congregation to be in ministry with others, your credibility as a leader is enhanced.

According to the Discipline, a lay servant is a professing member of a local church or charge conference who is ready and desirous to serve the Church and who is well informed on and committed to the Scriptures and the doctrine, heritage, organization and life of The United Methodist Church. A lay servant has received specific training to develop skills in witnessing to the Christian faith through spoken communication, church and community leadership, and care-giving ministries. Lay servants, both local church and certified, must submit an annual report to their charge conference and be re-approved annually.

Our church produces “The Messenger” a monthly publication that provides information and inspiration for all our members. Members of the congregation are encouraged to contribute a story, idea, anecdote, thought or experience. The deadline for articles to be submitted is the 20th of every month.

If you would like to receive a newsletter by mail, please contact Kathy Hulse. If you would like to receive one electronically, please contact Helen Smith or subscribe here.

The Publicity Director submits articles on Church events to local newspapers, publications, and radio stations.

Our church website is designed to meet the information needs of church members, seekers desiring to learn more about our church, and general site visitors. We strive to keep the site up-to-date with current information and useful services. Routine site updates are typically done every three weeks or as needed.

The Worship Leader is essential to the Worship service and assists the Pastor in setting the tone of the service. It is important that you prepare yourself spiritually for the role and come to the church at least 30 minutes before the service to check with the Pastor or Lay Servant. Sometimes there are special events during the service and the Pastor or Lay Servant will let you know your role in that service. The guideline is available at the church office.